Policies and Guidelines
Course Schedule
Music Courses
Visual Arts Courses
Choreography/Dance Courses
CODA Program
Dates To Remember
Monthly Payment Reminder
Concert Descriptions
Parent Council
Meet the Teachers
We are dedicated to...
Assisting individuals in developing their God-given talents and encouracging them to use their talents in His service.
Stimulating families to learn and grow together through interactive opportunities.
Nurturing the kinds of creative settings offered by such people as Bach, Michelangelo, and others who greatly infulenced our world.
For whom was Faith Center designed?
Families who desire an integrated program to meet the artistic needs of all ages and levels of ability.
Young people and children who want to explore an interest in music, drama, or art or who seek excellence in refining a current course of study.
Adults who want to begin, renew, or continue an interest in music, art, or drama.
People who seek a safe, nurturing environment with concern for the whole person.